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SKU: 978-0061857577 Categories: ,

Summer Jackson: Grown Up

Meet Summer Jackson, a smart, irresistible character who will appeal to to any kid who has ever wanted to skip straight to adulthood because it seems like SO much more fun.

Summer is fairly certain she’s ready to be a grown-up—right now. She wants to wear a blazer, read the morning paper, and boss around a few second graders. Grown-ups have it so easy! But wait, do grown-ups play on swings?

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About This Book

Meet Summer Jackson, a smart, irresistible character who will appeal to to any kid who has ever wanted to skip straight to adulthood because it seems like SO much more fun.

Summer is fairly certain she’s ready to be a grown-up—right now. She wants to wear a blazer, read the morning paper, and boss around a few second graders. Grown-ups have it so easy! But wait, do grown-ups play on swings?

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